
Accelerating and upscaling transformational adaptation in Europe

Plan a workshop

What is the purpose of this webtool?

Within this webtool, we will offer an overview of the essential tools you might need for designing adaptation pathways in your own communities (both online and offline), guide you in how to discover opportunities with local stakeholders, and offer methods to evaluate your progress. Besides this, you can learn from others via the shared results of workshops in other communities.

What is the project's objective?

The impacts of climate change are here and now. The consequences on people, prosperity and the planet will only intensify in the upcoming years. In order to prepare for this uncertain future, transformational adaptation is necessary.

TransformAr aims to create solutions to introduce large-scale and disruptive adaptive transformational processes to reduce climate-related impacts in vulnerable regions and communities across Europe. This transformational adaptation is being triggered by a co-innovation process that aims to co-create adaptation pathways taking into account stakeholder inputs as well as scientific and socio-economic indicators.

In order to guide you through this process, we developed this webtool and a playbook where you can find more information on how to create workshops, lead them and the tools you need for this.

Who is it for?

Any public or private entity with the ambition to understand how to envision and drive transformational adaptation. Mentors, coaches, scientific and industrial partners will be able to make use of the tools and materials. The playbook will also ease future exploitation and use of the methods by targeted end-users.

Who is it for? - illustration

Inspiration stories